Towel is traded all around the world. The data provided on the export analysis shows that there are almost 170 countries and territories, which actively import Towel from India. The combined value of total export is 660.84 USD million. Moving to top importing ports for Towels from India. NEW YORK port solely imports 6955 shipments of Towels from India and holds the largest share of 7.0%.
Hand Towels
A hand towel is a smaller towel used specifically to dry the hands and face. As with bath towels, these small towels are often made of cotton-based terry cloth for extra absorbency. Hand towels are also sometimes used as decorative accents in the bathroom.

Bath Mats
Bath Mats make your bathroom trips a lot safer. They provide an anti-skid surface for you to stand on when the floor is wet. They also provide an absorbent surface to soak up excess moisture and water, thus keeping your shower zone dry, clean, and mildew-free.
Clean Up Towel
Towels absorb a lot of water and remain damp for hours, which is the perfect breeding ground for unwanted germs. That’s why towels should be washed every three uses. You have 19 million skin cells and 650 sweat glands in every inch of your body. And one powerful tool keeps it all clean day after day: your bath towel.
A towel is a piece of absorbent cloth or paper used for drying or wiping a surface. Towels draw moisture through direct contact.

Towels are not art. Even if a towel is pretty to look at, you’re not allowing it to live its best life by preventing it from doing what it was born to do, which is dry, wipe, and absorb water.
Clean Up Towel
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